Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Million Carat Diamond

From as little as I can remember, my mother has always known that there are great things destined for me. She has always referred to me as her million carat diamond. At first I took this as a sign of the great love she had which she expressed as being priceless or irreplaceable. Being adopted, I knew that she really wanted and loved me. She always taught me to be unconditional. Her most important lesson was to love unconditionally.

As things have changed so drastically in my life of the past 7 months, many things have begun to make sense in my mind regarding where I come from and what my destiny is. In the realms of the spiritual direction that I am taking, I believe that we are all diamonds. We are multifaceted beings of light and energy. In most literature, reference is made to an energy field of some sorts surrounding each of us. It has various names and descriptions but in essence it is the same thing. Some believe it to be an aura, a field of energy changing according to the person’s well-being. Others see it as the soul. Some believe it is the alignment of the chakras which glow. I believe it is all of these combined with a double pyramid spinning around us. We are in the centre of the two pyramids, whose bases intersect through us, one pointing at the sky and the other pointing to the middle of the earth. These pyramids refract the light passing through them much the way a crystal would.

Reference is often made to our relationship with each other to resemble that of mirrors. We often hear that we are mirrors to each other, seeing in that person an aspect of you. I believe these mirrors to be reflections we see inside our crystal. Being multifaceted beings, we have many sides to ourselves. These sides can become detached as in multiple personality disorders, or they can be revealed due to substance abuse. We need to recognise and appreciate each of these facets and join them together. There really is a "Tree of Life". It is inside each and every one of us. Just eat from its fruit and you won’t believe what it can do for you.

Over the ages we have been told to pray outwardly, towards a god of some or other kind. We held the gods responsible for our existence and expected them to look after us. We made offerings in their name, killed people and performed a multitude of unspeakable acts to appease them. We feared them and lived in their servitude. We never prayed inward. We never were allowed to be in touch with ourselves, to express our individuality. We were enslaved in our own bodies. All the facets we see, all the mirroring is our interpretation of what we see. The brains way of creating an image from millions of particles of light entering the retina and being converted from light energy to electrical impulses, which in turn are transformed miraculously into the perception of what is in front of us. Pretty amazing is you ask me.

The catch here is the fact that what is being absorbed by the eye is light. This light is everywhere. As you start to follow the light coming in from all directions, not just the two very tiny openings on your head called your eyes, but over your whole body, this light converges to a single string of points referred to as chakras. As the crystal around you spins, it refracts the light coming in to a line reaching from the top of your head to the base of your spine.

I believe that if we pray inwardly, meditate, we can see these points as we become reconnected with ourselves. As we break out of our enslavement and realise that the tree of life is inside us. Nurture the tree and reap from its rewards. I think the crown chakra is what has been referred to as a halo. I think that this is why religious leaders as well as kings and queens, wear funnel shaped crowns on their heads, to symbolise their crown chakra being open, making those under them to fear and respect them. I think the meaning behind the pyramids is also related to our crystal. The diamond in which we each exist. The pharaohs were placed inside the pyramid, a man made replica of their own crystal. The larger the pyramid, them more important the pharaoh thought he was. Civilisations have missed the boat for millennia. The tendency to materialise everything around us has caused the physical replication of an emotional state. We have to build temples, churches, religious structures, symbols and icons. All idols! Palaces, castles, mansions! Move away from the physical realm and focus on the spiritual. Reconnect with yourselves and unlimited possibilities suddenly open. Realise that you are creating all the clutter around you, to cushion your insecurities. The more you make the matter around you matter, the more you become detached from yourself. Remove the importance from the outward perception of reality and sharpen your focus inwardly. Clarity is achieved as you sharpen the images of your mirrors, as you reflect back out a pure, bright light resembling the real you. Unconditional love.

My mother is today in a transition between this life and the next. I now realise the great importance she has played in my life. From my conception, through my birth mother to my adoptive mother, my path has been clear. My adoptive mother, my real mother, the person who raised me, has played such an important role in my life. A role I only now see, but now I can't tell her. I know that she is aware of this, by her response to me. The bond between us is now stronger than ever before.

Destiny is yours, just see it. Feel it. Breathe it. Enjoy your life. It is your life.


  1. I found this interesting,and its made me question things thank you for that.

  2. my beautiful brother you speak total truth here and I love the bond that will never break between you and your mother who rased you I am holding you both in the brightest light and know that you will never be apart from each other love and blessings xx
