In Adam and Eve's perfect world were two trees, both of which was forbidden to eat their fruit. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life. Eve was told by the serpent that she would not die as she had been warned if she ate from the first tree, but she could eat the fruit which would result in "be as gods, knowing good and evil". Well, she and Adam then ate from it and became aware. Before they could eat from the second tree and understand Life, they were expelled from their paradise.
To get back to where I began, it was necessary for early God-fearing sheep to do as they were told. Accept and believe without question is what they were told. The secrets to life have always been available to the few. These few have always been in control. Throughout the ages, knowledge has been a privilege of those who could afford it, or were born into the right family.
Adam and Eve are still alive and well today and still doing as they have been told. Every man and every woman who can't think for themselves, who are always waiting to be told what they can or can't do are Adam and Eve respectively. It is your god given right to learn, to question, to doubt and to investigate all the facts for yourself. The secret of life is inside you and you don't need permission to tap into it. Abandon all fears, remove all negativity, let your shackels drop and be free forever. The only one who can judge you is YOU. The only person you need to listen to is YOU.
Drop the sheep costumes and put on the shepheard outfit. Grab your rod and staff and start to lead.
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