It isn't until you really begin to analyse your life that you see yourself for who you truly are. Never loose sight of the fact that everything around you, every person, every animal, every action, every word you write, is a reflection of yourself. Looking closely at each and everything in and around your life, being completely and utterly aware, consciously aware of everything around you, completes your life in inexplicable ways.
Our quest for looking for our "soul mate", "star crossed lovers" as Shakespeare put it, is in complete vain if we cannot find ourselves. You will never find in someone else what you have not found in yourself. Always remember that there is only good inside you. You are naturally good. Anything that comes from you can only be good.
I recently had an experience with a clinical paranoid schizophrenic guy. At the time I felt sorry for him, trying the whole time to help him realise that the delusions he was experiencing were so far removed from the truth that they couldn't possibly have been true. As it began to make sense to him, he told me that he knew deep down inside that he believed me but he couldn't help himself. This is the key, "couldn't help himself". We are all schizophrenic and quite often paranoid too, the difference is none of us are clinical. We all have the ability to help ourselves. We have the ability to see the paranoia for what it is. We have the tools to materialise the truth and de-materialise the untruth.
Holding fast the belief that only good comes from you and therefore the reciprocal belief that only good can come toward you, you are able to remove the paranoia and help yourself. The best way to do this is to look around you, see the signs in your life. No matter how dark or evil the experience might seem, realise that there is no dark or evil, everything that happens in and around you is only good, so no matter how terrifying the experience might be, know that it really is good.
The only way you can get rid of your "inner demons" is to confront them, make friends with them and accept them as a part of you. There is nothing that needs "getting rid of". Remember that nothing can enter you in the first place, so there really is nothing to get rid of.
Come to terms with who and what you are, accept yourself, love yourself unconditionally and above all, believe in yourself. You really are good!
Well written C