But the idea that man has to be higher, superior, special, creates trouble. Man has to be nothing--man has to dissolve into the totality of things. And when we drop all the barriers, communion happens and that communion is a benediction. To be one with the whole is all. That is the very core of religiousness.
Heraclitus says: It would not be better if things happened to men just as they wish. Unless you expect the unexpected you will never find the truth, for it is hard to discover and hard to attain. Nature loves to hide. The lord whose oracle is at Delphi neither speaks nor conceals--but gives signs.
Existence has no language... and if you depend on language there can be no communication with existence. Existence is a mystery, you cannot interpret it. If you interpret, you miss. Existence can be lived, but not thought about. It is more like poetry, less like philosophy. It is a sign, it is a door. It shows, but it says nothing.
Through mind, there is no approach to existence. If you think about it, you can go on thinking and thinking, about and about, but you will never reach it--because it is precisely thinking that is the barrier. Thinking is a private world, it belongs to you--then you are enclosed, encapsulated, imprisoned within yourself. Nonthinking, you are no more; you are enclosed no more. You open, you become porous, existence flows into you and you flow into existence.
Learn to listen--listening means you are open, vulnerable, receptive, but you are not in any way thinking. Thinking is a positive action. Listening is passivity: you become like a valley and receive; you become like a womb and you receive. If you can listen, then nature speaks--but it is not a language. Nature doesn't use words. Then what does nature use? Says Heraclitus, it uses signs. A flower is there: what is the sign in it? It is not saying anything--but can you really say it is not saying anything? It is saying much, but it is not using any words--a wordless message.
To hear the wordless you will have to become wordless, because only the same can hear the same, only the same can relate to the same.
Sitting by a flower, don't be a person, be a flower. Sitting by the tree, don't be a person, be a tree. Taking a bath in a river, don't be a man, be a river. And then millions of signs are given to you. And it is not a communication--it is a communion. Then nature speaks, speaks in thousands of tongues, but not in language.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
On Friday, August 17, 2012, the Sun and Moon will connect to form the New Moon in Leo. New Moon's are good times to start new habits or to break old habits and to project your goals for the coming months. We write down our goals on a piece of paper, as writing clarifies our intentions and helps us to focus on our needs and desires.
Usain Bolt is the fastest man in the world and he was born under the sign of Leo. Someone said that Usain loves the spotlight, likes being on stage and that's so typical of Leo personalities. He won 3 Gold Medals in this Olympics and when interviewed he said he wants to be a legend...wowee! A man who knows what he wants and has the talents to get it. Watching Usain run is exciting, because he traditionally starts off slow, then powers up and passes everyone. Thank you Usain for giving us the example of spiritual principles, it doesn't matter how you start but how you finish the race. And that's the message for New Moon in Leo. Keep your eyes on the finish line and know that you have enough energy to be successful. Or, it doesn't matter how you start because if you've put the work in and truly believe in your abilities you'll win the Gold. Usain believe he can win and "sees" himself crossing the finish line before he starts. His unwavering faith in his talents is what helps him to bypass all the criticisms and people who make doom and gloom predictions.
So with the New Moon in Leo, we can all learn from Usain's example. As you write down your goals, use the power of imagination to see yourself accomplishing them, regardless of the circumstances that might temporarily slow you down. What other people say or do cannot prevent you from doing what you say you want to do. Leo says "I Will". This is a good time to align your will with the greater will of The Most High.
If you're looking for a job, or looking for a loving relationship or trying to overcome an illness...imagine that your prayers have already been answered and tap into the joyful energy that comes when the dream becomes a reality. Your success will be our success as through example you will show the people around you how it's done. Usain lifted the people in Jamaica, in the USA, and in the world with his stunning achievements. His power came from within as his internal desire to win was stronger than any physical circumstance. Yes he has a strong body, and his stride is bigger than most runners, but what was inside of his was the key to his winning the Gold and becoming the fastest runner in the world. Thank you Usain for the lift, the joy and helping me to reconnect with the real power.
The New Moon in Leo is an excellent time to focus on your goals, and to be willing to do what's necessary to achieve them. Ernest Holmes, the founder of Science of Mind always said "if your mind can perceive it,
you can achieve it". Write down your goals and believe in your heart that you'll achieve them. During this New Moon in Leo period, it's also necessary to think and say what you want, as opposed to complaining about what you don't want. Create a new habit, break an old one. Enjoy this time. It's Golden!
The Seven Deadly Sins: A Convenient Guide to Eternal Damnation
The medieval period and the early Renaissance period inherited an elaborate Christian model of sin.
Over a dozen such models exist. The most popular one lists seven sins and subdivides them into three
"spiritual" sins and four "corporal" (bodily) sins. All seven of the sins were deadly evils (i.e.,
potentially a cause of damnation), but the spiritual sins were generally acknowledged as more
dangerous than sins that arose only from the weakness of the body.
The Seven Deadly Sins
Three Spiritual Sins
1. Pride (spiritual sin)
2. Envy (spiritual sin)
3. Wrath (spiritual sin affected by body)
Four Corporal Sins
4. Accidia or Sloth (corporal sin)
5. Avaricia/Cupiditas or Greed
(corporal sin)
6. Gluttony (corporal sin)
7. Lust (corporal sin)
The Seven Holy Virtues
Three Spiritual (or Theological) Virtues
1. Fides (Faith)
2. Spes (Hope)
3. Caritas (Charity)
The Four Cardinal (or Pagan) Virtues
4. Prudence
5. Temperance
6. Fortitude
7. Justice
The Seven Virtues opposed the Seven Sins. In one scheme, the Seven Virtues are based on the three
spiritual virtues listed by Saint Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:1-13: Faith, Hope and Charity, followed by
the four Cardinal or "Pagan" virtues: Prudence, Temperance, Fortitude, and Justice. (The idea was
that any person, whether he or she was a Christian or not, might possess the four Cardinal Virtues.
Only a Christian in medieval belief would possess faith in God, hope for an afterlife, and caritas--
the type of charity in which one does good deeds out of love for God alone.)
An alternative but equally popular version of the Seven Virtues was the "remedial" or "contrarian"
model, which listed specific virtues as the "cures" or "remedies" that stand in opposition to each of
the seven sins. Prudentius devised this model in 410 AD in his allegorical poem the Psychomachia
("The Battle for the Soul"). His scheme of virtues and vices looked something like this:
Humility cures Pride
Kindness cures Envy
Abstinence cures Gluttony
Chastity cures Lust
Patience cures Wrath
Liberality cures Greed
Diligence cures Sloth
Continuing the numerological mysticism of seven, the medieval church assembled a list of seven
good works in the catechism as cures to the seven deadly sins: these included sheltering strangers,
feeding the hungry, giving drink to those thirsting, clothing the naked, visiting the sick, ministering
to the imprisoned, and burying the dead. All these traditional views, however, were objects of much
intellectual tinkering in the Renaissance when Protestant Christians sought to separate themselves
theologically from the older Catholic teachings, and Catholic theologians sought to distinguish
themselves from the upstart Protestant groups.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Communion - Harmony without and within
Man is living as an island, and that's where all misery arises. Down the centuries man has been trying to live independently from existence--that is not possible in the very nature of things. Man can neither be independent nor dependent. Existence is a state of interdependence: everything depends on everything else. There is no hierarchy, nobody is lower and nobody is higher. Existence is a communion, an eternal love affair.
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